Because “It Is Finished”

The crucifixion of Jesus was unjust, brutal, painful, and barbaric. Yet on the cross, Jesus said something, possibly the most powerful words uttered in all of history.

On a garbage dump, from His place between two thieves, Jesus said, “It is finished.”

Jesus didn’t say, “I am finished.” He said, “It is finished!” It was a victory shout, not an admission of defeat. At the cross, Jesus finished His work. He fulfilled Old Testament prophecy. He completed the plan of redemption. He conquered all the forces of hell and sin. At the cross He won salvation, healing, freedom, life, peace, joy, and hope.

Because Jesus said, “It is finished,” it means we are not. His last breath was our first. Where His life ended and resurrected, our lives in Him begin. Because “It is finished,” you can have forgiveness for your past, a brand-new life today, and hope for the future!

How are you celebrating and remembering Jesus’ resurrection today?

You can encourage others! Tag @christinecaine on social media and share what God is revealing to you.


Christine Caine


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