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Don’t Stop Now…There’s So Much More Ahead!



Don’t Stop Now…There’s So Much More Ahead!


Do you have what it takes to go the distance? To walk in your purpose for the long-haul? The middle of any endeavor—career, relationships, ministry, health—is often when our resilience and perseverance waivers. In those moments, peace seems out of reach, the future feels uncertain, and life really gets hard because the middle moments are often messy ones.

In the pages of You’re Not Finished Yet, bestselling author, human rights activist, and international speaker Christine Caine  shares stories from her ministry experience and personal walk with Jesus, along with scriptures and spiritual reflections, that will take you on a devotional journey where you will:


Do you have what it takes to go the distance? To walk in your purpose for the long-haul? The middle of any endeavor—career, relationships, ministry, health—is often when our resilience and perseverance waivers. In those moments, peace seems out of reach, the future feels uncertain, and life really gets hard because the middle moments are often messy ones.

In this empowering devotional, bestselling author, human rights activist, and international speaker Christine Caine encourages us to go again, dream again, pray again, and believe again so we can keep going through all of life’s messy middles.

In the pages of You’re Not Finished Yet, bestselling author, human rights activist, and international speaker Christine Caine shares stories from her ministry experience and personal walk with Jesus, along with scriptures and spiritual reflections, that will take you on a devotional journey where you will:

  • Be reminded that you can go the distance - not because you have the strength but because God does.
  • Learn how to cultivate a life of deep contentment so you can experience more joy and greater peace of mind regardless of what life throws your way.
  • Get your peace back and win the war against worry and overwhelm so you can keep going when you just want to quit.
  • Discover how the pain of your today is preparing you for the promise of your tomorrow
  • Be challenged to step out of your comfort zone and take risks so you can keep growing even when life is going great.
  • Reset your focus and priorities so you can break the cycle of going through the motions.
  • Be inspired to step away from what you thought life would be and trust the purpose and plans God has for you.

Today is a good day to take the hand of Jesus and go again, dream again, pray again, and believe again so we can keep going through all of life’s messy middles.

  • Learn how to cultivate a life of deep contentment so you can experience more joy and greater peace of mind regardless of what life throws your way.
  • Get your peace back and win the war against worry and overwhelm so you can keep going when you just want to quit.
  • Discover how the pain of your today is preparing you for the promise of your tomorrow
  • Be challenged to step out of your comfort zone and take risks so you can keep growing even when life is going great.
  • Reset your focus and priorities so you can break the cycle of going through the motions.
  • Be inspired to step away from what you thought life would be and trust the purpose and plans God has for you.

Today is a good day to take the hand of Jesus and go again, dream again, pray again, and believe again so we can keep going through all of life’s messy middles.

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About Christine Caine

Christine Caine

Confirmation Content


Christine Caine is a speaker, author, and activist who has been serving the local church globally for over 30 years. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization, The A21 Campaign, which works at the local, domestic, and international level to end modern-day slavery. They also founded Equip & Empower, a ministry that is mobilizing people everywhere to live on mission for Jesus. Propel Women is an initiative of the ministry dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. The ministry has also planted three life-giving Zoe Churches in Europe that are not only bringing the Gospel to the region, but also serve the most vulnerable through humanitarian outreach during times of crisis. Christine is the best-selling author of more than a dozen books and studies and you can tune into her weekly podcast or television program to be encouraged with the hope of Jesus wherever you are.



Christine Caine is a speaker, author, and activist who has been serving the local church globally for over 30 years. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization, The A21 Campaign, which works at the local, domestic, and international level to end modern-day slavery. They also founded Equip & Empower, a ministry that is mobilizing people everywhere to live on mission for Jesus. Propel Women is an initiative of the ministry dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. The ministry has also planted three life-giving Zoe Churches in Europe that are not only bringing the Gospel to the region, but also serve the most vulnerable through humanitarian outreach during times of crisis. Christine is the best-selling author of more than a dozen books and studies and you can tune into her weekly podcast or television program to be encouraged with the hope of Jesus wherever you are.


