Podcast  episodes

Episode 161: Freedom is Already Yours

Are you living a life rooted in victory, or are you living a life striving for victory? If you are a follower of Jesus, victory has already been won for you. Victory over your past hurt, over your…

Episode 160: Rest that Recharges Your Life

If we don’t learn to rest, we will burn out. We will run out of motivation, willpower, ambition, and strength to just keep trying a little harder. But here’s the good news - God never burns out.…

Episode 159: How to Get Unstuck

Why are you holding yourself back from the life you long for? From an abundant life full of joy and purpose. From the new career you want to explore, the deeper friendships you long for, a college…

Episode 158: You were Created on Purpose for a Purpose

How you see yourself has a massive impact on how you live your life - the choices you make, the dreams you pursue, and the legacy you leave. So I wonder: how do you see yourself? Do you believe you…

Episode 157: Will You Do It Afraid?

Do you have big dreams, long to make a difference for the Kingdom, but find yourself holding back because you think you’re too regular, your life too ordinary, or your abilities too small? I have…

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