Podcast  episodes

Episode 29: How to Discover Who You Really Are

"If you don’t believe what God says, you will believe what anyone says, particularly the enemy’s destructive lies. The good news is that we have full access to God’s Word in Scripture so we can…

Episode 28: Finding Your Place Doesn't Always Happen Like You Think It Will

We live in a world that is telling us everyday that our position is what matters, so we often find ourselves pursuing a position rather than serving in the place God has created for us. This episode…

Episode 27: Impossible is Where God Starts

Most of us discredit the broken things in our lives without realizing that in God’s hands, the broken pieces can be part of a miracle. God doesn’t give you an assignment because of your…

Episode 26: You Were Born for This

Tag! We’re it! We are a generation running a divine relay race, and God has entrusted us with the baton of faith. He has called us to carry it to our generation. The fact that you are alive right…

Episode 25: The Source of Your True Identity

"Shame has been a tool of the enemy from the beginning of time. It’s something he uses time and again to distract us and lure us to pull back from God and off track from our purpose. But through…

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