Podcast  episodes

Episode 37: How to Walk in Freedom and Confidence

"What lie about your identity have you believed all of your life? We’ve all had lies spoken to us, and can find ourselves feeling stuck in them. They keep us buried in shame and living far beneath…

Episode 36: Find Your Way Back to a Flourishing Life

We are saved and being saved. We are healed and being healed. We are whole and being made whole. Growth doesn’t stop the moment we welcome Jesus into our heart. The abundant Christian life is one…

Episode 35: Turn Up the Voice of Victory

We are bombarded by non-stop information. Everywhere we turn there is another voice telling us what we should believe about ourselves, our community, and our world. Before we know it, we can find…

Episode 34: Trusting God’s Timing Even When it Feels Long

When the children of Israel left Egypt headed for the Promised Land, God led them the long way around. That’s right. God led them into a hard wilderness season of life. He does the same with each…

Episode 33: Pursue Your Purpose with Strength and Passion

We’ve each been given an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the faithful saints who have gone before us. But every day we face the temptation to give up on our convictions, give in to…

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