Podcast  episodes

Episode 43: What to Do When You Feel Stuck

"Sometimes, when you feel like everything is closing in on you, the best thing you can do is say nothing, trust that God will fight for you, and watch him make a way. When children of Israel were…

Episode 42: It's Time to Stop Holding Yourself Back

We pass through dozens of different seasons as we run our race in life. And what helped us in one season won’t always help us in the next. This episode will empower you to identify what is holding…

Episode 41: How to Face any Challenge with Confidence

"David knew two very important things. First, that it wasn’t the size of the giant in front of him that mattered, it was the size of the God inside of him. And second, that it wasn’t his job to…

Episode 40: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

What thoughts run through your mind day after day? Are they thoughts that lead to life and joy or are they thoughts that get you down and hold you back? The truth is that our thinking will determine…

Episode 39: How to Win Any Battle

You may feel trapped by your circumstances today. You may feel there is no way out. That the enemy is closing in on you. It could be that God is setting you up so that he gets all the glory for your…

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