Podcast  episodes

Episode 114: Victory is Already Yours

What’s your response when the inevitable challenges of life come your way? Is it to run and hide in bitterness and anger? Or is it to face the challenges head on with hope and faith that the God…

Episode 113: Who Changed Your Life?

Do you remember who first introduced you to Jesus? The person who changed the course of your life by telling you about the One who changed the course of theirs? Oftentimes, we make evangelism way…

Episode 112: "How Did I Get Here?" Feature: How to Stop the Drift

You were created by your loving Father on purpose and for his divine purpose. He has amazing plans for you at every age and stage of your life. But there can be seasons when we feel like we’re not…

Episode 111: "How Did I Get Here?" Feature: Dropping and Setting Anchor

We can all drift in life—away from our hopes, vision, passions, values, intentions, or even God—if we’re not paying attention. The Bible tells us, Pay attention, lest you drift (Hebrews 2:1).…

Episode 110: "How Did I Get Here?" Feature: Don't Ring the Bell

Have you ever found yourself in a place in life you hadn't intended to go and then wondered, “How did I end up here?” Maybe you were dealt a setback, felt unsettled about the world, or faced an…

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