Podcast  episodes

Episode 182: Pressing Into Your Purpose

We can all find ourselves distracted by what we see and hear on social media, the opinions of others, current events, or our own personal setbacks. But even though we might get off track in those…

Episode 181: Defeating Disappointment and Leaning Into Hope

When life throws us one difficulty and disappointment after another, it can leave us feeling paralyzed and afraid. We can lose our desire to hold on to hope, and, instead of expecting good things in…

Episode 180: How to Fight Off Doubt and Move Forward in Faith

Do you ever feel like you have nothing left to give? Like you’ve hit a wall and lack the strength to take another step in your dream, in your career, in your relationships, in life? Or maybe you…

Episode 179: When God Interrupts Your Plans

Most of us view interruptions as inconveniences, distractions from our goal. But what if God was orchestrating the interruption? What if wasn’t a distraction, but a redirection to something…

Episode 178: Seeing Jesus in Disappointment

We can all find ourselves overwhelmed and discouraged from time to time. But as believers, we don’t have to get stuck there. We can develop an unshakeable hope in Jesus who never changes – even…

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