Your Perspective Impacts Your Purpose

Episode 73: Your Perspective Impacts Your Purpose


Your Perspective Impacts Your Purpose

If we want to see people as God sees people, we have to shift our perspective; we have to change the lenses in our spiritual glasses. But this is a significant challenge in our selfie-crazed world. The lenses of comparison, judgement, lust, and anger are much easier to put on than the lenses of peace, forgiveness, compassion, and love. This episode will empower you to upgrade your perspective so you can walk fully in your purpose and experience deeper joy by seeing others through the lens of God’s love.


Putting Faith Into Action 

It is easy to ignore suffering when it is nameless and faceless. And when we ignore suffering, it’s easy to ignore our calling to be the hands and feet of Jesus by loving people not only with our words, but our actions. Jesus has called us to help the poor, love the fatherless, show grace to those who hurt us, and treat every single person we encounter with dignity because they are created in the image of God. 

Are you ready to put your faith into action this year - in small, everyday ways? This episode will equip you to: 

  • Identify ways you can tangibly share the love of Jesus with people who may otherwise be overlooked and unseen
  • Put your faith into action by actively loving the people in your life
  • Walk more fully in your purpose by shifting your perspective 
  • Experience deeper joy by focusing on others more than yourself



The 14-day Spiritual Growth Spurts devotional will activate your growth, equip you to go to the next level in life, and empower you to thrive. Download yours today



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