Trusting God’s Timing Even When it Feels Long

Episode 34: Trusting God’s Timing Even When it Feels Long


Confirmation Content

Trusting God’s Timing Even When It Feels Long

When the children of Israel left Egypt headed for the Promised Land, God led them the long way around. That’s right. God led them into a hard wilderness season of life. He does the same with each of us. Because there is always a wilderness between where you are and where you’re going. This episode will empower you to embrace the long way around and trust that God is using that time to prepare you for what he has already prepared for you.  


There Are No Shortcuts

When the children of Israel left Egypt, God led them the long way around. There was a shortcut, but God didn’t lead them that way. How often in our own lives does God lead us the long way around? There is always a wilderness between slavery and freedom. You come out of it. Then it comes out of you. Then you go in and possess the promise God has for you. If you try to bypass that process with a shortcut, you’re not going to become who you’re meant to be to do what God has called you to do.


Whether it’s in our career, going after a dream, or overcoming a trial, we often want the shortcut—but if we want to go with God, there are no shortcuts. This episode will equip you to: 

  • Trust that God’s way is the best way - even when it’s the long way
  • See what God may be protecting you from by taking you the long way around
  • Believe the long way around is preparation, not punishment
  • Hold onto faith that God will be bring to pass what he promised you
  • Practice patience in waiting on God’s timing



The 14-day Spiritual Growth Spurts devotional will activate your growth, equip you to go to the next level in life, and empower you to thrive. Download yours today




