You Were Born for This

Episode 26: You Were Born for This   


You Were Born for This

Tag! We’re it! We are a generation running a divine relay race, and God has entrusted us with the baton of faith. He has called us to carry it to our generation. The fact that you are alive right now at this very point in time is no accident. This episode will empower you to explore what it means to run your race according to God’s plans and purposes for your life, because no one is qualified to run it except for you.


It's Your Turn

In a relay race, each runner is responsible to pass the baton inside the exchange zone. It’s a matter of timing. If any one of them misses passing it on inside the exchange zone, the entire team can be disqualified. As Christians, we are part of a divine relay. In our lifetimes—in our exchange zones—we are called to pass on the baton of faith from our generation to the next.


The question is: Are we running our race according to God’s plans or our own? This episode will equip you to:

  • Live as a product of eternity, not of time.
  • Be inspired by heroes of the faith who walked before you.
  • Steward the unique purpose you've been given with excellence and faithfulness. 
  • Leave a legacy of faith for the next generation. 



The 14-day Spiritual Growth Spurts devotional will activate your growth, equip you to go to the next level in life, and empower you to thrive. Download yours today



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