The divisive culture in our world is undeniable. We can see it everywhere from our local churches to current events to the global platform of social media. We may be left wondering how to handle the stress of it all and escape from the hostility. The good news is that unity is possible through Jesus.
This episode will empower you to be a positive in influence in your community and lead the way in bringing unity through Jesus.
The Reflection Guide is designed to help you take what you learn here on the podcast and make it personal and tangible. It includes a few prompts from the episode to help you grow deeper in your faith.
The Reflection Guide is designed to help you take what you learn here on the podcast and make it personal and tangible. It includes a few prompts from the episode to help you grow deeper in your faith.
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From here on out, we'll keep you up-to-speed with the latest news and updates from Christine Caine and Equip & Empower. Every Monday, a new episode and Reflection Guide will be delivered straight to your inbox.
From here on out, we'll keep you up-to-speed with the latest news and updates from Christine Caine and Equip & Empower. Every Monday, a new episode and Reflection Guide will be delivered straight to your inbox.