The Courage to Let Go and Look Forward

Episode 163: The Courage to Let Go and Look Forward


The Courage to Let Go and Look Forward

What would you be willing to leave behind in order to go forward into a future of purpose, meaning, potential, and passion—a life that holds everything that God has for you? Maybe it’s letting go of a job you’ve long since outgrown or an unhealthy “friendship” you’ve had since childhood. Or perhaps it is simply the comfortable routines you’ve settled into over the years, or some bad habits you’ve thought about quitting too many times. Whatever it is you might need to leave behind, living with a heart that’s torn between what we had in the past and where we long to go in our future leads only to one place—stuck right where we are. This episode will empower you to identify the parts of your past that are holding you back and stir up the courage to let go and the passion to go farther than you’ve ever gone before—do what you’ve never done and go where you’ve never been. 


Start Looking Forward

We can all miss opportunities right in front of us because we keep looking in the rearview mirror. There’s nothing wrong with visiting our histories to learn valuable lessons. But that’s very different than living always looking behind us, longing for the “good old days”. That’s not where we’ll find all of the amazing goodness that God has for us. It’s not back there, it’s right here - now and in our days to come.

So rather than looking back, start looking forward to the future and the promises of God. Look forward to all that he has for you ahead. Drop the distractions of your past, and be free to live fully in the present with God. This episode will equip you to:

  • Get intentional and focus your attention on what’s ahead of you, not behind you
  • Stop settling for less and learn how to get unstuck and get going 
  • Let go of mistakes from your past so you can move forward with hope and joy
  • Stir up your courage, take the hand of God in faith, and ask Jesus to guide you into the future of your dreams


Scriptures from This Episode 

Luke 17:20-37 

Genesis 13:12 

Genesis 19:15-26



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