Rest that Recharges Your Life

Episode 160: Rest that Recharges Your Life


Rest that Recharges Your Life 

If we don’t learn to rest, we will burn out. We will run out of motivation, willpower, ambition, and strength to just keep trying a little harder. But here’s the good news - God never burns out. He is capable enough and strong enough to carry our burdens for us, to fill us with his strength, to drop the solutions we’re looking for into our minds, and to renew our passion when we think it’s lost. All we have to do is go to him, place our burdens and worries into his more than capable hands, and learn to rest in his provision and direction. When we run to him, God will equip us with exactly what we need to keep running our race, even when it’s hard, but if we try to do it all on our own, we will run ourselves into exhaustion. This episode will empower you to discover a habit of rest that recharges your soul, refreshes your spirit, and renews your passion so you can keep moving forward full of peace and joy. 


There’s a Place for You to Rest

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). What a remarkable invitation. Jesus offers his rest because he understands what we will go through in life. Facing challenge after challenge alone can make us feel crushed and depleted of the energy or passion to pursue the good things in life that spark our joy. Insteading of thriving, we settle for simply surviving. And that is not how any of us were created to live. The good news is that God makes a space for us to face life’s challenges with confidence and to find rest, renewal, and restoration for our souls.


This episode will equip you to:

  • Uncover the key reason many feel depleted and live passionless lives 
  • Grow a daily habit of surrendering your burdens and worries to God
  • Live securely anchored in God’s peace 
  • Be recharged and inspired to pursue your dreams for your life with renewed passion and energy


Scriptures from This Episode

Matthew 11:28 - 30 

Hebrews 3:7 - 4:11




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