Don't Let "If Only" Steal Your Destiny

Episode 149: Don’t Let “If Only” Steal Your Destiny


Don’t Let “If Only” Steal Your Destiny

Your life will change forever when you begin to see the power of the “here and now.” It’s really all that we’ve got! We can act like our calling is out there somewhere, and that we’ll discover it some day—but your purpose is always happening right here and right now. Let’s not keep thinking “if only” I knew my mission, or “if only” I was more qualified, or “if only” things at work weren’t so demanding. God has something for exactly the circumstances you find yourself now. It’s true that he may lead you elsewhere in the future, but on this day you’re exactly where he has called you to be and he’s equipped you for exactly what he calls you to do. This episode will empower you to set aside “if only” thinking, see the value in your “here” right now, and look for opportunities to step into your purpose right where you are - whether at home, work, school, or neighborhood.


You Are Right Where You Are Supposed to Be

God has a purpose for you. And it’s a great one, too! But in our day-to-day living, it’s easy for us to think that our lives are not special enough or that we’re too ordinary for God to choose us to do extraordinary things for his Kingdom. But God knows how to pick and prepare exactly who he wants to carry out his plans. If you have a willing heart to be used by the Lord, then you’ve got nothing to worry about! He will find you. You’re always good enough, loved enough, and valuable enough for him to single you out for his plan. He knows all about you and decided to place you on earth right now and given you specific gifts to serve your generation right where you’re at. 


This episode will equip you to:

  • Accept that God can use anything or anybody, at any time, and in any place to carry out his plans 
  • Understand the importance of where you are right now and stop believing you’re too unqualified or unworthy to advance the Kingdom of God
  • Apply your gifts and talents for the God-given purpose of serving your family, friends, workmates, community and wherever you are today
  • Step into your God-given destiny believing that the Holy Spirit lives  in you and can transcend any circumstance to take you into the purpose of God


Scriptures from This Episode

1 Kings 17:1-16

1 Kings 16:30




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