There are Still Good Things Ahead of You

Episode 146: There are Still Good Things Ahead of You


There are Still Good Things Ahead of You

You can be just as strong, passionate, and fruitful today as you have been at any other point in your life—no matter your age or your season in life. Do you believe that? It can be hard when we have a culture and an enemy that tells us it’s over, it’s too late, it’s too hard, we’re no longer qualified, or there are too many obstacles to overcome. But God has made it very clear in his Word that he has a plan, purpose, and destiny for us at every age and stage of our lives, for as long as we’re on this planet. Are you living like you believe that your life has purpose or has your heart grown weary? Have you given up on your dreams, or do you still have vision for your future? Is your heart still in it or have you lost your passion? This episode will empower you to keep your heart in it, to keep believing God still has good things ahead for you, and to remain strong, passionate, and fruitful for all of your days. 


Have a Heart for Passion

If you want to keep growing as you keep on going, you’ve got to deal with your heart regularly. Because we live in a world where we get hurt by people, we can be tempted to put up fences to “protect” ourselves. But fences around our hearts can quickly turn into prison walls. They only make our lives small, limited, and contained. God meant for you to have a wide, open, and expansive life. And he shows you how—how to keep your heart pure, keep your heart right, and keep your heart filled with childlike amazement about all the good things he still has for you. 


This episode will equip you to:

  • Let down your guard and allow God to truly transform your heart
  • Reclaim a childlike wonder for the mercy, love, and grace of of God in your life
  • Discover a renewed passion for your future 
  • Take hold of  the abundant, effective, and fruitful life that Jesus came to give you


Scriptures from This Episode

Joshua 14:6-14

Psalm 92:14

Proverbs 4:23

John 15:8 

Galatians 6:9




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