Waiting for the Right Thing, Not Just a Good Thing

Episode 143: Waiting for the Right Thing, Not Just a Good Thing


Waiting for the Right Thing, Not Just a Good Thing

You’re not the only one who wants your life to be as abundant, joy-filled, and fruitful as possible—that’s exactly what God wants for you too. And he has a plan for you that is greater than you can even think or imagine. But here’s the question: are you willing to wait for it? Sometimes we miss out on the best life we could experience because we grow weary of waiting on God’s timing and settle for “good enough” instead. Before we know it, we find ourselves relying on our own power and strength, striving to fulfill our purpose rather than living from God’s strength available to us. This episode will empower you to stir up your passion to wait for God—for his purpose, plan, and destiny for your life—so you can experience the abundant, joy-filled, fruitful life you dream of. 


Wait for God’s Best with Hope

God asks us to wait for him, which isn’t always easy. But to help us, he provides a way for us to wait with hope—not with fear and discouragement. The secret is leaning into him. Go to God so he can show you that you can trust him. He is always working for your good, he is always faithful, and he hears your prayer.

Your God is making a way where it may look like there’s no way. Call out to him and he will fill you with promise and hope during your waiting seasons. Know that the best is yet to come!


This episode will equip you to:

  • Be open and ready to receive God’s best for your life
  • Overcome external pressures to be the best, biggest, or fastest in life 
  • Find peace and contentment now while you wait with hope for your breakthrough 
  • Live each day with joy knowing that God’s best for you is just around the corner


Scriptures from This Episode

Isaiah 40:28




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