How to Get Through What You're Going Through

Episode 142: How to Get Through What You're Going Through


How to Get Through What You’re Going Through

If you’re having a tough time getting through a challenging season, be encouraged with this truth: God has always got your back. You might be tempted to think that when you’re facing setbacks, you’re on your own. But nothing could be further from the truth. God is always on your side and is always with you. And he won’t just get you through the tough times, he will use them to reveal things he wants you to know and to unlock areas of brokenness in you that he wants to heal. Just don’t give up. If you feel lost, the Lord will find you. If it’s dark where you are, know that Jesus sees you. This episode will empower you to turn to Jesus for the hope and strength you need to get through what you’re going through and trust that he’s got your back through it all.  


The Strength to Keep Going  

When hardship lasts a long time, we may begin to wonder if we even want to keep going. Our heart and spirit may stop pressing on, thoughts of a better life begin to fade, and we don’t even think about asking to be more fruitful because we’re just trying to survive. Be encouraged that even in these times, God is near.

He is preparing you to go to him. He is leading you to ask him to help you take the next step forward—even when you feel like you can’t. Take his hand. Allow him to walk you through the “valley of the shadow of death” (Psalm 23:4). The enemy wants the shadow to be your prison, but God has got you—he will lead you through the darkness, out of the valley, and into the place where you can soar once again. Don’t ever give up. 


This episode will equip you to:

  • Set your focus on the character and Word of God to help you find peace as you wait for breakthrough
  • Surround yourself with wise people who support you, encourage you, and want the best for you
  • Do what it takes to keep moving forward through the valley so you don’t get stuck in it
  • Increase your resilience and ability to endure challenging seasons with hope and strength


Scriptures from This Episode

Psalm 23

Isaiah 55:8-9

Psalm 119:68

Deuteronomy 29:29

Ephesians 6:12




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