The Only One Who Won't Let You Down

Episode 115: The Only One Who Won't Let You Down


The Only One Who Won’t Let You Down

Whether we realize it or not, we all search for something or someone to give us what we need. Maybe it’s a sense of significance, security, protection, affirmation, or strength. We may look to money, ambition, self-reliance, or our friend’s approval—whatever we think we fulfill that we need to feel secure and happy. Here’s the problem: anything we turn to for comfort and peace outside of Jesus will eventually let us down. But Jesus? He will never let you down. He is with you in every season and the only reliable source of everything you will ever need. This episode will empower you to follow your Good Shepherd, Jesus, who wants to lead you toward a thriving, peaceful, and powerful life under his loving care and protection.


We All Need a Shepherd

More than 200 times in the Scriptures we are called sheep. With that much emphasis, there’s clearly something God wants us to know about sheep! One thing to know is that sheep tend to gravitate toward things that may not be the best for them. In fact, they need constant care and protection or else they’ll wander away from the shepherd and become easy prey for their enemies. But the shepherd is always with them—watching, protecting, and providing for his beloved flock’s every need.


The Lord is your shepherd. He will tend to you—if you let him. He knows exactly what you need and when you need it, and he longs to guide you to the place where you will be open to receive it. This episode will equip you to:

  • Receive the guidance and protection you need from God everyday
  • Surrender any worries about your future to God’s capable hands
  • Let go of the pressure to figure out everything in life all on your own 
  • Learn to thrive as you live in a place of stillness that leads to God’s amazing rest and peace



Psalm 23 

Isaiah 53:6 

John 10:11

Psalm 84:11

1 Peter 5:7

Psalm 124:1

Philippians 4:6-7

Psalm 46:10

Exodus 14:30

1 Kings 19:12



The 14-day Spiritual Growth Spurts devotional will activate your growth, equip you to go to the next level in life, and empower you to thrive. Download yours today



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