Daily Habits that Prepare You for Life’s Storms

Episode 11: Daily Habits that Prepare You for Life’s Storms


Daily Habits that Prepare You for Life’s Storms

When the storms of life come to test and challenge our faith, we can take hope in the fact that Jesus is our anchor, keeping us steady even when chaos swirls around us. But if we’re going to stay rooted in him in times of trouble, we need to grow those roots when life is good. Today’s episode will equip you to develop daily habits that will strengthen your connection to Jesus so you’re ready for the next storm life throws at you. 


Your Weakest Link

It is said that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Imagine that in the spiritual context of the links in our chain that keep us connected to the anchor of our soul—Jesus. How strong are our links? How connected are you to Jesus through reading God’s Word, through worship and prayer?


Today’s episode will empower you to strengthen that connection through regular daily habits like:

  •   Holding fast to the confession of your hope, without wavering, something that isn’t always easy to do
  •   Paying attention to what you say because it reveals the condition of our hearts
  •   Recognizing that your words have the power to connect you to or disconnect you from your anchor
  •   The power of talking to your mountain rather than talking about your mountain




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