How to See Setbacks as Set-ups for God's Promises

Episode 10: How to See Setbacks as Set-ups for God’s Promises   


How to See Setbacks as Set-ups for Promise

God’s Word is full of promises to you, and all of them are yours for the taking. While he could have just handed them right to us, instead he has designed it so we must learn to take hold of them for ourselves. God knew that learning to take hold of promises for ourselves would help us develop the muscles we need to not just take hold of them, but hold onto them. Today’s episode will you equip you to take hold of everything God has promised you and to hold onto those promises in times of setback or challenges. 


See Your Victory Behind the Wall

You may have heard the story. The people of God had finally entered into the Promised Land after years and years of waiting. And the first thing they encountered was the obstacle of a giant wall around Jericho, the greatest fortified city of all time. To them, the wall looked like an insurmountable problem. But God promised them, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men.” (Joshua 6:2).  


Even though entering the city seemed impossible from their perspective, God asked them to believe his promise and obey his Word. He was teaching them a lesson in seeing a setback as a set up for experiencing his promises in their lives. When you hit a wall, the Lord may also ask you to trust him and to look beyond the problem to his promise on the other side.


This episode will equip you to:

  • Push past your wall when you feel like quitting
  • Believe the truth is not limited to the facts of your present situation
  • Trust God’s promises when when your victory is not yet visible



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