
Permission to Dream

USD $19.99

Do you have a dream God has put on your heart? A desire to change the world around you for the better? As you pursue those dreams and your purpose in this life, you will encounter moments where you feel unworthy, ill-equipped, or like you're not enough. And when you do, it is important to know that God is for you.

Permission to Dream will:

  • Teach you about resiliency and how to be strong despite the challenges.
  • Help you listen and tune into God’s calling so you can overcome previous pain.
  • Provide you with steps on how to overcome feelings of unworthiness.
  • Teach you strategies to help you manage disappointment and maintain hope.

This book is for anyone who:

  • Knows their purpose but isn't sure how to take the next step forward.
  • Questions their value.
  • Feels like they're not enough.
  • Is wondering what God has planned for them.
